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Beretta Gel Tek Cheek Protector 4-6MM – Black

Product ID: E029


Exclusively made for Beretta.

Designed to be applied to the majority of stocks and moved from gun to gun, this cheek protector contains a soft gel that will dampen the effects of recoil and dramatically increase comfort while shooting.

Size: 4mm (.12″) or 6mm (.16”)


    • The pad can be moved from gun to gun and put back into the package for use later.
    • It can be used on slug guns or trap guns if a shooter needs to raise the comb or point of impact.
    • It can be put on wood or synthetic stocks.  It also eliminates bruised cheeks that trap shooters sometimes get.
    • It can be placed on hundreds of stocks and still works (Note: it might not stick on some synthetic stocks).
    • Colour: Black

* After you use the pad for a while, it may lose some of its stickiness. To fix it, just clean it with hand soap, let it dry, and it is sticky again.